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Hey guys!! Just a little update so my blog isn't totally radio silent for too long. In relation to blog-type stuff, I'm still writing the review for Assassin's Creed brotherhood and Dragon age Origins. I've replayed Brotherhood on both PC and Xbox, and can say that I have complicated opinions on it. But I honestly think I prefer it to Assassin's Creed 2, and certainly revelations (at least the bit of revelations I've played since as a point of comparison). I'm conflicted about the ending, in ways I did not expect. The TL;DR, or rather NW;DR (not written; didn't read), I actually loved the desmond ending in hindsight, and the Ezio ending is just a little bit disappointing, which is flipped from my past opinion.

In terms of Dragon age: Origins. I need to finish my several review playthroughs, but I'm getting there. I want to have different playthroughs for various choices you can make in the game, and make a set of character builds to really test the game out.

Other quick updates: work is going well, as is school. I feel less anxious about things, although still somewhat moreso than usual. But so far so good!

Gotta go to work now, talk to y'all later, much love!!

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