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Hey everyone! This will be a short entry, as I just finished writing my research paper for my seminar in developmental psychology. The class is kind of terrible for a number of reasons, but this was at least a really fun paper to write! But that's besides the point, with the only relevancy being that its past 1 AM and I have to get up early for class tomorrow morning, the real purpose of this post is to say that me and my boyfriend have adopted a cat!!!!!! Specifically, we adopted my family's cat Phoebe since she was having some trouble with my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew moving back in with my parents following the death of my evil grandmother-in-law (long story for another blog post). As a result, she's been having some behavioral problems, and the solution has been to adopt her into my quiet little apartment so she can have some real space for herself!!!! I'm extremely excited, and shocked by how quickly she's become acclimated to the new space!!!!! Its a relatively large apartment, but she's already roaming it like she owns the place, climnbing several spots as her little nests, and coming up to me for pets, and generally chilling next to me purring. I honestly expected her to be terrified when she first moved in, but she's been amazing, even considering she had to be traumatized by a bath and taking her medicine. In any rate, I am beyond excited, and thought all of you that read this should know!!!

and with that, I'm gonna get a late night (early morning?) snack, then collapse into bed for what meager sleep I can acquire. I hope whoever, wherever, and whenever you are, you're happy :)

p.s. Godsmack has become a serious guilty pleasure of mine. My brother used to listen to it nonstop when we were little kids, and now its crazy nostalgic listening to their first album, cleverly titled "Godsmack". I never did understand why artsits would name their first album after their own band, it just seems weird to have to refer to this album as "Godsmack-Godsmack". Oh well, unimportant. Goodnight!!!

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