First entry! 4/10/22

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This is my second entry. Strange to say, considering the header of this page, but there is a logical explanation for this: I accidentally deleted the previous entry because I'm an idiot. I can't think of a better way of introducing this blog than a blunder that deleted an hour of writing when I have work due at school. Tons of emotion went into that entry, all that emotion now lost to frustration. So, the true maiden voyage of this blog is an illustration of the incompetence of its writer. Welcome! Have a seat, enjoy your stay, I'm sure to write tons more. Hopefully tomorrow I'll write the ideas and feelings I wrote tonight again, but for now I'm too frustrated that I lost everything I wrote. I put a lot of effort into making it sound nice to read; making it entertaining and informative! I thought it gave a good introduction to me as a person, and the goals and purpose of this blog, or at least this section of the blog. But that's not gonna happen anymore. The silver lining is that this is as emblematic of the anxieties I wrote about in the previous post that no one will ever read as anything I could have planned. Oh well, shit happens, life goes on, and I post anyway. This post is going to be significantly shorter than I was planning, but there isn't much I can do about that. My energy is gone, my frustration is immense. I am bad at html.

I hope if anyone reads this they have a better night than me. I hope you're happy, wherever you are.

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