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Hey guys! Had a pretty boring day today for the most part, but a couple exciting things happened and I can talk about! All said, calm, boring saturday is exactly the kind of day that I've been needing.

The first thing that happened, soon after I woke up, was that the lappy I bought for 11 dollars from an eBay auction came! Its an acer aspire 4830T, with a 2nd gen i3 and 6 gigs (which is an interesting configuration, I'm not used to 6, generally either 2, 4, 8, 16, and so forth.). Performance is great with with debian 12, and LXQt. It also handled Gnome, so I assume it could easily handle something like KDE plasma, although I wanna stick with LXQt, since I haven't really used it. So far I'm loving it, and if I end up loving it enough, I'll add it to my recommendations list.

After I set up the laptop, as well as spent a long time trying to get my torn back configuration of debian working on my new acer aspire one, before just giving up and installing Antix, which worked, but not well. I'm considering taking it apart, and transplanting a different motherboard into the case, maybe from framework, or a single board solution like a raspberry pi, since I love the formfactor and the nostalgia of it all. That being said, I probably won't, and it'll just end up being another laptop to add to the pile that I have been hording for years now. I own a lot of computers, and although I love the process of collecting, I often feel a certain level of guilt surrounding the collection itself. Anyway, after all that I went with my boyfriend and his family to a solo ensamble by his little brother, which was fun. I like seeing his family (under the right conditions). The rest of the day involved playing some games, watching some shows, working at my computer and doing some tinkering, but besides, not much more. Things are coming over the horizon, like an encroaching storm, and more and more I'm thinking that I won't be able to handle wherevever I end up. But that's life.

After all is said and done, I will hopefully be in a better place in life, but there's no way to know until I'm there, so I guess I just have to keep going, right?

I've been very tired, and I wish that I could have some serious, intensive rest. I hope you all get some rest as well. Much love to all who have been reading along < 3

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