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Hi all! Just a brief daily update. I haven't gotten any real work done on any of the projects I'm working on, mainly due to how busy this weekend has been. And by busy, I mean to say I spent all of saturday relaxing, and sunday I did chores. That being said, I still wanna keep in the habit of posting something daily. Anyhow! Me and my boyfriend went to my parents house to drop off the laptop I was giving to my sister-in-law (my old laptop that I used prior to getting the macbook), and I thought it was gonna be an easy task of just setting up windows for her, but IT WAS NOT. The first and biggest problem was that, somehow, in resetting the pc to factory settings for windows, the computer suddenly remembered that it used to belong to a bank, and wanted me to log in with my bank employee information, and this did not seem easily bypassed. I tried resetting the bios, reinstalling the firmware for the BIOs, formatting the drive and installing a fresh copy of windows 10, but nothing worked. So, I decided to try installing Linux on it, something that failed when I tried previously due to HP sucking ass when it comes to Linux support. But, for whatever reason, after installing Linux Mint for her, since I wanted a super easy OS that had a similar gui to windows for my sister-in-law who does not have any experience with linux, it just seemed to work mostly! Sure, you couldn't restart the PC without it having endless errors, but just shutting the PC down completely and turning it back on seemed to work every time without fail! So I am completely satisfied with it in that regard! It certainly should work for my sister-in-laws needs. OF course, I forgot the charger at home before I got to my parents house, so I'm gonna need to get her that when she comes to walk our dog, since she is also our dog walker.

Besides that, we just got groceries and went home. I mostly just fooled around on my laptop playing Minecraft, 5D chess, and Morrowind through openmw while I waited between steps for the laptop at my parents house. All told, it was a good day!

I hope y'all reading out there are having a good day as well, and have enjoyed your weekend! I will talk to you tomorrow, love you!!

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