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Hey everyone! I’m hanging out before my shift starts at work, writing a very exciting review. I feel super cool because I have two laptops open, one is my GalliumOS chromebook, and one is my thinkpad (which is my main laptop), and it makes me feel like a hacker from MrRobot. Obviously, I am not a hacker, and writing html code for a blog is hardly all that cool, but I feeeeel cool, which is the point. Either way, I’ve been writing the outline for a big review of one of my favorite games, Dragon age Origins. I know this is taking time away from my big review of the Assassin’s Creed series, but I’m only two games in and I’m already burnt out on that series, so I needed a serious break, so I’ve been playing a ton of Dragon age Origins in preparation for a review of it.

Its been a ton of fun working on the DA:O review, since I’ve been super passionate about the game since it came out, and could write a novel about how much I love it (which in fairness, I might just). If I can’t finish the review in a timely manner, I’ll switch focus on finishing my review of AC: Brotherhood, since that review will be much shorter, and will take much less time to write (for one, Brotherhood is not nearly as expansive of a game as Origins in terms of mechanics, narrative, world, etc., and the fundamentals of the AC setting have already been explained in previous reviews for the most part, so I don’t need to establish much, unlike DA:O, which requires a lot of exposition, so to speak). That being said, I don’t think I’m going to need to, since I love DA:O enough that I’m sure I’ll finish writing it quickly. And in the meantime, I’ll continually update my blog, and post different stories and stuff I write in the mean time. And of course, write opinion pieces if I see something I wanna talk about. So if you read this blog, you shouldn’t expect another content drought like there was for a while, as I have tons I’m working on, and tons that won’t take that long to put out.

I’ve loved reading some other blogs on neocities lately, its been a lot of fun seeing the work that other people put into their sites, and catching up on what others are saying. I really like the community on neocities, and have enjoyed working on my site through that community. I hope that others have enjoyed my site as much as I have enjoyed theres! (although mine doesn’t look nearly as awesome as some other sites. I’m especially impressed by david's world, which looks awesome and nostalgic (now archived). I think I’m gonna make a recommendations page at some point so I can link websites I’ve seen through neocities that I think look really cool, or have really great content, although I wana finish work on my Dragon age review first.

Either way, I hope that whoever is reading this is having an awesome day, I love y’all!

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